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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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Entries in Class Actress (1)


Couch Session: Class Actress.

Session #6: Class Actress

Elizabeth Harper is classy, no doubt,
though if she's an Actress, the jury's still out.
Genuine and true, she couldn't be someone else nor a fake,
when the soul in her solo playing is something we just couldn't shake.
Trading her band's two boys for our cheapy guitar,
the raw versions of her songs were gorgeous and bizarre.
The moodiness shifts from instrumentals to just her,
but the heart's still in those songs, though location is a blur.
She sings beautifully but with edge, like a Feist from the city,
less sparkly and pure, more honest and gritty.
Accompanied by six strings, she's our first lone girl,
The first solo artist to give it a whirl.
She noted that "music needs to pass the campfire test",
and with that guitar, she clearly accomplished that quest.
The girl seems like a starlet in her very own town,
though her hands remained shaky till the guitar hit the ground.
Stripped from surroundings she's comfortable playing within,
Elizabeth blew us away with no need for chagrin.
Adorned in silk, leather and fur vintage items galore,
her glamour and wardrobe are impossible not to adore.
Call her a siren, a songstress or whatever you choose,
there's something inherently special here, the making of a muse.
With too many glasses filled heavy with wine,
Elizabeth entertained us, and stayed for some time.
And while we can't help but love these songs when they're wholly stripped bare,
we hope you listen to each version, to enjoy and compare.
As their music, either way, is the start of something unique,
so if you haven't yet heard, you'll fall in love. Go ahead, take a peek:




Class Actress - "Let Me Take You Out (Big Ugly Yellow Couch Session)"

Class Actress - "Adolescent Heart (Big Ugly Yellow Couch Session)"



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