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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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Twice As Nice.

When I was little, I would read Choose Your Own Adventure books like they were candy crack and I was in need of attending a Betty Ford Rehab Clinic for Tots. So many options, so many rope bridges that end up having pits of flesh-eating snakes beneath them, so many ways for a nerdy child to die by page.

Sigh. Those were the days.

But! Adults have choices, too. Like how I'm not going to sleep until I die. Or how I chose to eat a 1/2 pound chocolate chip cookie yesterday for lunch. Sure, not all choices are good ones, but dag nabit, we like having them! So, we're letting you make a decision, too.

Donald shot Yellow Ostrich performing "Mary" at the first night of their February Pianos residency, curated by the lovely gentlemen over at I Guess I'm Floating, and we're givin' it to you in TWO COLORS. Technicolor craziness, people. (Actually, wait, i think that's more than just two colors....but just go with it.) Technicolor DREAMS. Pick your color, pick your choice, pick your video, pick your adventure. Just try not to die by way of intergalactic fireball. That's always the worst.


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Reader Comments (2)

Loving the choices, nice sounds! Thanks :)

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLeader

This version beats the album version. Wow.

February 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEric

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