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Entries in Creepoid (1)


Couch Session: Creepoid


Couch Session #35: Creepoid

First things first, we have some serious thanks to bestow,
upon Mark over at yvynyl, who some of you might know.
When asked what band we should record with, out of every last one,
he chose Creepoid as the answer, that son of a gun.
Thank goodness he did, as these guys were a hoot,
and without his help, we wouldn't have had this shoot.
As the inaugural band in our third couch location,
this one's instantly a source of our admiration.
But our love doesn't come easy, and it surely helped,
that these guys came back from the van with a box of animal pelts.
PETA be damned, i'm like a caveman to fur,
so this session was red paint-worthy I'm sure.
Feathers abounding, atop huge tape recorders,
the band was just as good as the pizzas we ordered.
Hyuck hyuck, i'm just kidding, they were better, of course.
As cheese, sauce and dough aren't much of a musical force.
Each song was great, but that one small part,
when "Find You Out" shifts — it's damn near art.
Bright and dreamy and drenched in color,
the saturation in this one is full of splendor.
Moody and brooding when playing live,
these guys were hilarious the rest of the time.
Great people, great songs, a great great great time we had,
and when they left to trek back to Philly, we were just a pinch sad.
But now, we can watch them all the day long,
sitting and playing and seeing their songs.
With our brand new session, Creepoid will never be far,
so listen to them often, wherever you are:


Creepoid - "Find You Out (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Creepoid - "Stranger (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Creepoid - "Emily (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"


